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我听到有人问如何在同一台设备上同时切换YouTube和Instagram. In other words, 一个运营商将切换一个节目,它将被发送到YouTube和Instagram, or TikTok, etc.

制作组合节目,我可以凭经验说,这充其量是一种妥协. A disaster, at worst. 此外,它只是从生产的角度来看待这个问题. This is similar to making hamburgers, but then when someone wants something else, serving them hamburgers with a different plate presentation. Unfortunately, that is not what the customer is hungry for.

Two different issues here compound the problem.

第一个问题是,水平视频的制作具有宽屏思维——向左和向右的项目, a picture-in-picture with someone in a side corner, people placed side by side across the screen, lower-third graphics in the left and right corners, or sports timers and such in the upper side corners.

Vertical video is very different. If you have two people talking, 把这些会说话的脑袋一个个堆在一起更容易让人接受. Graphics may appear in the corners, but not only do they end up being more centered, 但你也必须考虑Instagram上出现的所有其他叠加, TikTok, etc. viewing window. Program graphics under interface graphics don't work. 一个多-多视图可能有一个人在两个并排的人的上方或下方.

垂直设计和水平设计是完全不同的思路. 从水平程序中取中心切片有时可能有效. But if you have a two-shot, 然后你的中间切片只有空的空气,也许左边是一个肩膀,右边是另一个人的肩膀. It can very easily become a disaster.

第二个问题是,水平的观看者期望事物以某种方式呈现. 水平视频通常呈现一个干净的界面,没有任何内容覆盖视频内容. Even on news stations with multiple layers of text content, the video window is squeezed down and left alone. Sports graphics are out of the way, 或者甚至完全淡出屏幕,以免遮挡动作.

Vertical video very often has text overlays, captions, as well as the app interface overlaying the content. 通常在画面中间会出现动态文本. As such, 垂直视频通常需要进一步后退,以包括更多的人远离覆盖的内容,因为没有左边或右边的空白. 从典型的水平框架中提取几乎是不可能的, 这是填补框架,以弥补大量的空白水平的房地产左右.

垂直视频是捕获和传递的合法格式. 超过70%的视频是在手机、平板电脑等移动设备上观看的. 垂直视频与水平视频100%相等,因为设备可以以任何方式持有. 垂直视频已经成为一股强大的力量,像YouTube这样的行业巨头, Facebook, 和Zoom都投入了大量的工程来为他们的平台添加垂直视频. It's not wrong. And it's not going away.

即使你可以旋转你的手机来观看一个水平视频,并填满屏幕, and the same with vertical video, 这并不意味着他们是——甚至应该是——同样的经历. They should not.

想要在Insta上观看你的流媒体的客户不希望将水平视频硬塞进垂直帧中. 观看水平版本的顾客不希望在垂直切片后面模糊同样的东西来填充框架. 这些顾客都渴望那种特殊的体验. 你的工作就是给你的顾客他们渴望的东西.

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