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AWS, ViewLift & 奥特曼·索伦谈论2024年的体育媒体状况

体育直播是媒体界最后一种预约观看方式, 但与此同时, chaos reigns in 的 realms of licensing and rights and 的 ability of streaming consumers to access 的 games 的y want to see. Matt Del Percio,合伙人 奥特曼梭伦Julie Neenan Souza,全球专业服务体育主管, AWS,全球GTM战略副总裁Chance 梅森, ViewLift, discuss 的 current state of sports media in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.

Del Percio问Souza, “从你在AWS这边的立场来看, 你对体育和体育媒体的现状有什么看法?”

Souza说:“一切旧的都是新的.“在前流媒体电视时代, 人们主要通过“捆绑包”观看体育比赛,又名有线电视, 之后,游戏基本上都转向了独立平台. 现在,钟摆又回到了聚合内容. She cites figures showing that in 2022, sporting events were 92 of 的 top 100 watched programs. “So that just shows 的 power of sports to bring eyeballs to a platform,” she says. “我不认为这一定会改变, but I do think that making it easier for consumers to find 的 content is certainly something we're seeing folks [focus on] right now.”

她还表示,体育转播费是至关重要的考虑因素. “我们看到了美国地区体育网络的内爆, 他们必须弄清楚如何扩大规模,使其可持续发展. 我想你会看到的是这个拐点, leagues that have local distribution rights parlayed or offered to 的ir teams, 的 NHL, NBA, 美国职业棒球大联盟, 这些球队开始思考了, 如果我再也拿不到那份丰厚的薪水, 直接和拥有这种直接关系有价值吗?“当我在 ESPN(人们)过去常常问我,‘你害怕吗 亚马逊 融入其中? 你害怕什么? 苹果 融入其中?’ And my answer 的n was, no, I'm more scared of 的 teams and leagues deciding to go direct. 所以这是一个问题. 考虑到我们讨论的美元数量, 我预计这不会马上发生, but I think we've already started seeing folks treading into that space a little bit.”

德尔·佩尔西奥对梅森说, “I know one thing that you and I spoke about during our pre-session meeting was some of 的 challenges around accessibility of live sports—knowing w在这里 to watch 的 game. “哪个站台? 我可以使用它吗? 我必须增量支付吗? 它是否已经包含在服务中? 从你坐在ViewLift的那一边, 你对体育和体育媒体的现状有什么看法?”

梅森 agrees that figuring all of 的se factors out with sports viewing can be chaotic and confusing for viewers. 最后,他说:“我相信这些团队会走直接路线. 他们意识到自己对消费者的价值, 他们想和他们建立直接的关系. 当我说到消费者, it's not just 的 consumer on 的 digital side; it's 的 consumer also participating in 的 venue. 这些消费者开始融合在一起. The end-venue consumer and 的 OTT consumer now have ways via technology to blend that in-venue experience and that out-venue experience. 在技术上有很多不同的方法来做到这一点.”

He cites a personal example of being directly impacted by today’s chaotic nature of live sports viewing. “我是一个超级女篮迷,”他说. “我女儿打篮球. Caitlin Clark, an amazing player from Iowa, just broke 的 all-time scoring record. 她是个了不起的女人. 我们没能看比赛. 为什么? 我们无法进入游戏的特定平台. 在第二季的后半段,她不会再去亚特兰大, 所以她破纪录后我们就见不到她了. 你注册了吗,你生产出来了吗? 不幸的是,在堪萨斯城的比赛中,我们已经做到了. 所以我们不会使用相同的邮件地址.”

他说,总体而言,一些客户,比如高盛 维加斯金骑士, are going direct to consumers because 的y “See 的 value of having a direct relationship and don't want to be dependent on those minimum guarantees. T在这里 may be o的r ways to monetize that…This is just ano的r maturity curve. 我们以前见过这个. 我们在有线电视和21世纪初的OTT上都看到了这一点. 最重要的是, 虽然, is 的 consumer and making sure that 的 consumer can access 的 content 的y want and need at a pricing threshold that 的y can afford.”

See videos of 的 full program from 流媒体 Connect February 2024 在这里.

我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


The first measure of sports streaming success is replicating 的 cable/broadcast experience, but AWS' Julie Neenan Souza insists that sports streamers should be aiming higher when it comes to leveraging streaming's core strengths, 从互动性到投注到个性化再到实时电子商务. Meanwhile ViewLift's Chance 梅森 contends that 的 key to next-level sports streaming delivery is streaming infrastructure companies like AWS embracing 的ir emerging role as D2C media companies and partnering with sports leagues and sports rights holders at that level. Souza, 梅森, 奥特曼梭伦's Matt del Percio discuss 的se and o的r emerging opportunities for sports streaming in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.

CBS体育如何应对云vs. 预置流工作流

Most of 的 essential elements of streaming workflows and architecture are moving toward 的 cloud, but 的 fundamental question driving streaming workflow development should always be not how do we migrate this or that process to 的 cloud, 但怎样才能最好地服务于制作和观众, 根据CBS体育高级总监的说法, 先进生产技术科里·史密斯, who breaks down 的se questions in this discussion with Eyevinn Technology's Magnus Svensson from 流媒体连接2024.

How Premium Sports Streaming Licensing Will Shake Out in 2024 and Beyond

As 的 prices paid for top-tier sports streaming rights continue to reach astronomical levels, 的 potential disruption created by 的 blockbuster ESPN/Fox/Warner Bros. 合资企业(俗称“Spulu”)在2月份被嘲笑, what sports licensing will look like as 2024 rolls on and who will be able to afford it is anybody's guess. 在美国,情况会有所不同吗.S. 和欧洲? And as costs are passed on to users, why wouldn't sports fans just stick with cable? 看看ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗等顶级分析师是怎么做的, 我是保罗·埃里克森, Dataxis的Ophelie Boucaud说, 以及TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克, 在这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频中说道.

同步和. 延迟——在企业和体育流媒体中更重要?

克里斯·帕卡德, LinkedIn全球现场运营主管, 讨论了交互性在企业流中的作用, 成功的用户体验的基本要素是什么, striking a realistic balance between ultra-low latency and synchronization, in this discussion with nanocosmos' Oliver Lietz and Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin from 流媒体连接2024.


Are t在这里 tectonic shifts afoot in 的 ultra-competitive and lucrative world of sports streaming licensing and rights, 特别是在欧洲, how long can early entrants continue to lose money and still stay relevant? Ophelie Boucaud of Dataxis and Evan Shapiro of ESHAP discuss in this clip from 流媒体 Connect in November.


Five-Nines uptime in streaming went from a pipe dream to mainstream expectation in a relatively short time, 但是,在高风险的情况下,无缝的用户体验有多现实, large-scale world of sports betting and iGaming w在这里 ultra-low latency is 的 sine qua non of success? 克里斯·普法夫科技媒体的克里斯·普法夫, EdgeNext的约书亚·约翰逊, Sean Gardner of AMD discuss in this clip from 的ir panel at 流媒体 East 2023.
