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As the prices paid for top-tier sports streaming rights continue to reach astronomical levels, 以及ESPN/福克斯/华纳兄弟的大片带来的潜在颠覆. 合资企业(俗称“Spulu”)在2月份被嘲笑, what sports licensing will look like as 2024 rolls on and who will be able to afford it is anybody’s guess. 在美国,情况会有所不同吗.S. and Europe? And as costs are passed on to users, why wouldn’t sports fans just stick with cable?

Evan Shapiro, CEO, ESHAP,与创始人兼校长Paul Erickson讨论了这个话题, Erickson Strategy & Insights,高级分析师奥菲丽·布考德, Dataxis,以及联合创始人兼首席分析师Alan Wolk, TVREV这段视频来自流媒体连接2024.

“Which company is best positioned to fully leverage the massively expensive sports rights leagues relationships right now?” Shapiro wonders. “I think Big Tech is the only suite of companies that are going to be able to possibly afford the crazy prices necessary to purchase the best sports rights out there. So, are the NFL, IPL, and Premier League those types of companies? Reliance 板球流媒体版权在印度吗. Disney now owns a massive set of rights, but if you look at where the puck is going in the US, YouTube and Amazon 似乎比 ESPN might. 所以我要把这个扔给你们所有人, 但也在这之后, [where does Spulu stand], in the context of all this, 谁能最好地利用体育版权?”

Erickson says, “I think it's been a longstanding problem for services where there's been a continual rise in the cost of content, 尤其是价值最高的内容, which tends to be sports. And we see already, from what Amazon has done with the NFL and what Google has done with YouTube TV. And I think it's only going to accelerate the inflation of prices when it comes to live sports. 最后,他们是如何负担得起的? 嗯,他们能够在他们非常多样化的业务中吸收它. 他们可以承担巨大的成本,并使其发挥作用.” He further emphasizes that entities like Spulu may be one of the only entertainment industry conglomerates with enough bargaining power to go up against Big Tech.  

However, Wolk thinks that the Big Tech companies will remain dominant in sports streaming because the various leagues know they will still be around in a few years compared to any of the streaming platforms. Platforms such as the Google-owned YouTube TV can offer a larger suite of sports at a lower price than streaming services.

Shapiro notes that this is the biggest issue for broadcasters and streamers regarding sports in the US and Europe. “这些权利不赚钱,”他说. “根本没有办法让它们盈利. I don't care how many subscribers you sign up for a day; it's going to be hard to justify a hundred million dollars per game.” However, he says the situation is better for broadcasters in Europe because live sports are essentially a guaranteed public service.

“Yes,” Boucaud says. “但也有很多高端体育项目非常昂贵, 而这些都是欧洲大型付费电视公司购买的, [like] Sky, Canal+…”

“你觉得现在谁会买这些呢??” Shapiro asks.

Boucaud 说它将主要是 DAZN. Shapiro asks her what DAZN’s strategy is since, to him, it feels more like an “exit strategy.”

Boucaud DAZN最近发布了2022年的年度报告, 虽然它发布得很晚, 它表明它正在减少债务. 尽管它仍然有10亿美元的债务, 她推测,到2023年,情况可能会有所改善.


“但他们有一个非常有趣的策略,因为他们是一个OTT平台。” Boucaud says. “They can afford to do stuff that not many other pay-TV cable codes could do before, which is investing a lot in betting [and in] additional interactive features and merchandising. They can push revenue-driven features way better than the others used to do because they mostly relied on broadcasting to generate revenues. So it might be that they're actually heading for profitability, not so far off from now.”

夏皮罗在欧洲观察到了这一点, traditionally, 体育转播通常与移动运营商捆绑在一起, 这可能有助于抵消其他损失.

“They used to be,” Boucaud says. “But less and less now. Amazon Prime 进入法国,DAZN目前在除法国以外的大多数市场都拥有权利. 但国内足球锦标赛的竞标仍在进行中. 事实是,除了足球,在欧洲花费并不多.”

Wolk asks Boucaud“他们在足球广告上赚的钱少吗?? 因为在美式足球和篮球比赛中,休息时间太多了. 他们可以播很多广告. 足球是一项非常不同的运动. 那样他们赚的钱少吗?”

“是啊,他们赚的钱少多了。” Boucaud says. “我不知道美国的媒体销售究竟是如何运作的, 特别是对于大型游戏, but in Europe, we still have very strong regulations across the different markets regarding advertising sales. 所以你可以投放的广告时间是有限的, 即使在大型比赛期间价格上涨, 这根本无法与NFL相提并论. Nowhere.”

请参阅流媒体连接2024年2月的完整节目视频 here.

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