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Navigating today’s streaming apps and subscriptions can seem unnecessarily complicated, particularly as paid subscription and free service apps from major content companies often sit side by side, 甚至看起来在相互竞争. Is this a necessary condition, what factors are driving it, and how is it likely to change? Evan Shapiro, CEO, ESHAPDaniel Trotta是内容参与产品经理 & Monetization, Warner Bros Discovery,以及全球商业事务和内容增长主管Jennifer Jones, Conde Nast, from this clip from their panel at Streaming Media Connect 2023

Shapiro notes that, due to several factors, 消费者一次只能接触有限数量的应用. On a phone, he says, “There’s only so much room for so many apps on that first screen. The unlimited number of them doesn't really matter at the end of the day because the consumer tends to use about five to seven.他问大家,“你们认为我们会看到更多的‘最大化’吗? Discovery Plus and HBO Max combining into one, now adding a CNN to it? And what do you think are some of the blockers of getting us from perhaps where we are in a cluttered ‘paradox of choice,’ to one with fewer walls between the gardens [which is] a little bit simpler to navigate?”

Trotta says, “I think the number one blocker, to nobody's surprise, 都是有线电视带来的钱吗. 这就是为什么公司不愿意进入 MSNBC or Fox News or CNN earlier and with two feet because you can't start screwing up that relationship with the Multichannel Video Programming Distributors (MVPDs). 我认为这将继续成为一个问题. Even Max doesn't have a hundred percent of what's on Discovery Plus because there's still enough viewership and interest in the Discovery Plus service to warrant it being a standalone thing.” He mentions a point Shapiro earlier made about the issue of paid and free apps from the same service both on a user’s phone. “这对我来说是一个非常可怕的提议,”他说.

“What is?” Shapiro says. “将免费和付费生态系统结合在一起?”

“Yeah,” Trotta says. “Removing the friction for users to pay you more or pay you less based on how much they want to use your app at the time, because you want to be able to count on somebody as a subscriber six months down the line when you're launching your next thing in order to be able to invest in that next program.他举了一个更无摩擦的用户留存方法的例子. “Hulu 让你暂停订阅12周,”他说. “如果你正在看的东西没有播出, 你可以在停播期间暂停12周, let it come back. That's an amazing feature. But at the same time, it brings up the question, 你会倾向于这种消费者行为吗, 或者你会制造更多的障碍? 如果要我打赌,我会说这是第二个. People will eventually start creating more barriers to that behavior to get between the [free and paid], 获得可预见性,让你做好长期规划.”

Jones says, “I completely agree with the need for companies to have long-term planning. I think that as a business affairs exec who often sits in the back rooms to do all the planning, the amount of indecision in the marketplace right now is higher than it's ever been and is causing kind of this ‘throwing spaghetti at the wall’ approach to see what works unintentionally. 我不认为有人会认为他们是在往墙上扔意大利面, 但他们最终不得不这样做,因为他们一直在适应, 每个人都想要更多的确定性,这样他们才能制定计划. 但我要指出的是,即使你有确定性, you can't always plan, 即使你知道有一定数量的订阅者, you don't know that this show that you're going to make next is going to even hit that.”

Jones notes the different approaches for audience attention taken by different providers. “The Roku FAST的模型是根据观众的注意力来衡量的. 所以你总是需要有足够的好东西. 然后流媒体模式更像是,‘来这里一次,留下!’”她还强调了内容可用性的法律障碍. “有些内容无法合并或移动, or you're going to have to pay or…”

“在里面放广告,”夏皮罗说. “In the case of Netflix.”

琼斯说:“你只是没有得到AVOD的权利. “所以它不能用于你的新产品. And to have it be available, it will be another five years, 10 years, or you'll go back and pay more for it. Sometimes these big decisions that we all think are super strategic and [are the] determination of the future of the industry are sometimes premised on like, ‘Oh, 我们没有谈判,因为没人让我们这么做.因此,我认为很多幕后工作决定了很多战略.”

Shapiro says, “每一份合同实际上都只是对上一份合同的修改, versus a whole new slate…could we start from a completely clean slate contractually? No, you can't…”

“I firmly believe that most contracts and deals are done in a way the easiest deal to make is to say it's exactly what you already agreed to,” Jones says. “We just changed one thing. That's it, but just one thing. 如果你同意,我们就改这么多! But the problem is that then you're turning everything into a version of something else. When you think about broadcast or cable, you got one run and one rerun at a set time in one country. 流媒体现在是无限运行,随时你想在世界上每一个国家. 这不是另一件事的版本. It's so much different, 我认为所有的系统都在慢慢地, in order to get consensus, accommodate just small things. And so we've ended up at this place where the friction is so high that there are clearly industry impasses that we're dealing with right now. 所以我想代表所有的幕后工作人员, 我们得想办法勇敢地说出来, ‘Yes, it is a version, but it also is new. 我们如何积极地考虑新的?”

在下一篇文章中了解有关流媒体行业主题的更多信息 流媒体连接将于2023年11月实现.

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