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How the Hollywood Strikes Will Change Premium Content

在WGA和SAG-AFTRA罢工期间,美国的内容制作基本上中断了数月, as those strikes drew to a close in fall 2023, content companies found themselves at a crossroads, 有机会开始生成充满战略复杂性的内容. In some respects, 这是一个新的开始,也是一个考虑新方法的机会,而不是简单地填补空白.

Chris Pfaff, CEO, Chris Pfaff Tech Media, Producers Guild of America (PGA), VR AR Association (VRARA), discusses the situation with Alan Wolk, Co-Founder/Lead Analyst, TVREV, Daniel Trotta, Product Manager, Content Engagement & Monetization, Warner Bros Discovery, Bethany Atchison, VP, Distribution Partner Management, Vevo, and Paul Erickson, Founder and Principal, Erickson Strategy & Insights, in this clip from their panel at November’s Streaming Media Connect.

Pfaff says that in this post-strike world, “bruises are being healed,在2024年2月之前,可能不会有任何新的重要内容被创造出来, with fewer new shows being commissioned, which creates challenges for ROI. 他问沃尔克:“你能在这次罢工后的谈话中把我们踢开吗?”? I don't want to call it a dilemma, just call it a situation…”

Wolk表示,暂停之前大量的新内容创作实际上可能是一件好事. “There's that scene in South Park 他们有点嘲笑这样一个事实,即他们几乎会为任何事情开绿灯,”他说 Netflix. “And that really damaged their reputation. If you Google ‘Netflix junk,’ ‘Netflix quality down,’ there are so many articles and blog posts that come up about that. And it's not even really true. 只是有一种感觉,因为一开始,他们有这些很棒的节目, Stranger Things, Orange is the New Black然后突然就有了一大堆针对大众的东西,只是没有经过深思熟虑,也不是很好. 它真的造成了这样一种感觉,即外面的东西并不是很好. So I think as they start concentrating more on quality and less on quantity, that's going to be to their advantage.”

He says that a return to seasons with more episodes is likely. “These 25 episode seasons, that's something that I think everybody's realizing, ‘Oh, we don't get syndication that way. Everybody loved Ted Lasso, but there's 36 or 40 episodes, and that doesn't do it. Versus a Friends where you were 200 some odd episodes…”

Pfaff interjects, “There were only 39 episodes of The Honeymooners, so remember that! So Ted Lasso is in good company there…”

“But they still need these long series that go on for ten years,” Wolk says. “它们的质量可能不一样,但它们已经成为人们生活的一部分. And that's a really important thing, too. So I think we're going to start to see a return to that, as well.”


特罗塔说:“首先,我完全支持艾伦(沃尔克)的观点,并希望他是对的. “这种观点正是我个人对电视未来的期望. 我担心的是,我们今天做的东西10年后对人们来说不会有吸引力. And so there will be no Parks and Rec, Suits, etc. 我觉得罢工期间一个很有趣的例子是麦克斯和 AMC+ to bring some AMC+ content over to Max for a couple of months in a promotional capacity. We got the full run of a handful of series, and there were bumpers, I believe, before each episode promoting AMC+. 我们在平台上的新内容有了很好的协同作用,否则我们就会很轻, 这与用户已经在图书馆深处观看的内容一致. So, if you were a True Blood viewer, or if you were a Vampire Diaries viewer, something like Interview with a Vampire or Fear, the Walking Dead or A Discovery of Witches 在9月和10月的时候正好落入了你的区域,正好落入了你对麦克斯的大腿上. What I think is interesting is the disparity. True Bloods is HBO, Vampire Diaries is CW. 所以你可能会认为两者之间存在质量和数量上的差异, and yet we see so often that it's a similar viewer.”

Pfaff says to Atchison of Vevo, “You're in a very different position, obviously, with music videos, but I would think that some of that might happen as well, 考虑到寻找或策划新的艺术家,并将他们与图书馆方面的东西相匹配.”

“我们这边并没有受到罢工的影响,因为音乐家没有参与其中,” Atchison says. “So we were able to keep generating new shows, 但是Vevo的库涵盖了60年代和70年代,我们最受欢迎的频道之一是Vevo 80年代. 所以我们证明了旧的内容在今天仍然可以真正引起共鸣,并与人们联系在一起. So it's not just the newest things that are driving viewership. 真正对我们产生影响的是你如何为观众策划,以及你如何把它介绍给合适的观众.”

Pfaff asks Erickson, “What do you think about that in terms of how people are really planning, particularly on the AVOD side as well?”

埃里克森强调,“内容敏捷性”是关键,无论平台是AVOD、SVOD还是FAST. “我们现在的情况是,罢工可能使该行业在不同领域提高其技能,” he says. “Not all great content in your portfolio needs to be original commissions. You can also license, 如果你恰当地国际化或者已经国际化了,你就可以利用来自世界各地的精彩内容. 随着时间的推移,你的用户基础变得越来越多样化,留住他们就变得越来越重要, 授权能够让你更加灵活地确保你能够更好地服务于这些独特用户群体的所有细微差别.”

Watch full sessions from Streaming Media Connect November 2023. We'll be back in person for Streaming Media NYC on May 20-22, 2024. More details here.

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