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内容 is king: it’s a common refrain heard around the media and entertainment industry. 然而, 随着越来越多的流媒体服务推出高质量的内容, it’s becoming more difficult to vie for consumer’s attention in an oversaturated market.

内容 owners and right holders are in dire need of a competitive advantage that sets them apart, 虽然它的内容吸引了用户, the technology behind the scenes is vital in creating a user experience that keeps them coming back.

This means media and entertainment companies must pair their content efforts with an advanced technology backbone if they want to survive among the competition. Leveraging strong technology resources allows content owners to focus on what they do best—making unique content and delivering it to the right audiences—while technology partners handle the nuances of advanced advertising, 交互性, 推荐引擎, 以及其他提高盈利能力的功能, 吸引用户, 减少流失. 下面, we’ll outline some of the key technology considerations that can help companies build differentiated platforms built to last.


在过去的两年里,我们看到了流媒体广告的显著增长. Ads represent a vital revenue model for streaming platforms; in fact, 许多流媒体有意提高订阅价格 鼓励更多用户转向更便宜的广告级别因为事实证明,这些分级服务对内容所有者来说更有利可图.

广告的兴起影响了M的技术决策&E内容所有者希望创建持久的流媒体目的地. 平台必须优先考虑可扩展的广告插入, 精确的定位, 以及上下文相关性,使广告与内容保持一致,提高观众参与度. 然而, it’s crucial to balance the benefits of advertising with crafting a seamless user experience. 最佳的用户体验包括非侵入性广告, 频率限制, 较短的广告持续时间, 个性化的广告内容. 输入:高级广告功能.

Advanced advertising takes traditional broadcast workflows and layers on additional streaming-specific capabilities to create the least disruptive experience possible. l形条和图中图广告格式, 例如, introduce monetization avenues that don’t interrupt content and help maintain the delicate balance between revenue generation and viewer satisfaction.


Enhanced 交互性 on streaming platforms remains a top value proposition over traditional lean-back cable TV viewing. 在流媒体领域,交互功能在很大程度上仍处于萌芽阶段, 但是有了合适的平台技术, media and entertainment brands can craft unique user experiences and a sense of community through features like in-stream shopping, 视频的民意调查, 小测验, 游戏, 和聊天.

球员在直播比赛中进球后, 例如, that player’s jersey might pop up for users to purchase without leaving the live stream. 我们在健身领域也看到了类似的方法, where users can buy the workout set their virtual instructor is sporting at the start of class. There are also fashion shows that enable users to purchase runway looks both live and on-demand afterward. 这些策略不仅开辟了新的收入来源, 但也增加停留时间和培养品牌忠诚度. 


在一个看似无穷无尽的观看选择的时代, 可发现性仍然是内容所有者面临的主要挑战. 这使得, data-driven content discovery algorithms critical in surfacing relevant offerings and driving user engagement and retention.  

Platforms that refine content recommendations based on user behavioral data excel in attracting and retaining audiences. 预测性人工智能模型在这里可能非常有价值, as they can be leveraged to predict a user’s likelihood to stream a specific piece of content in the future.  例如, 如果用户观看了某平台上的每一场烹饪比赛, 他们很有可能会在最新的厨房对决上映时观看. Predictive AI models can use this 信息 to proactively recommend new or undiscovered cooking content that engages the user.

Strategic forays into the right distribution platforms are also key for discoverability. Streaming discoverability relies on the idea of being “above the fold”—a phrase borrowed from print newspapers. 平台希望它们的应用程序和产品能出现在用户主屏幕的上方, 因为这些仍然是吸引最多眼球和互动的地方. The right partnerships can help content owners secure this valuable digital real estate to promote discoverability.

科技战略投资vs. 内容

媒体公司不是科技公司, and in recent years we’ve seen them increasingly lean into outsourcing their back-end technology so they can focus internal resources on content. 实现内容生产和平台技术之间的平衡至关重要, as a strategic synergy between the two ensures captivating content delivery without compromising seamless user experiences. 

像这样, media companies need to partner with strategic tech vendors that can not only provide the key platform capabilities mentioned above, 同时也为混乱的流媒体生态系统中的商业策略提供建议. 有了新技术, there are a million different trends and ways to reach users—from free ad-supported TV (FAST) to emerging community features—but that doesn’t mean they’re right for every business. 成功的平台通常使用多重分销策略, 将点播产品与实时线性频道相结合, and experts can advise on the optimal media mix for brands to ensure the success of potential direct-to-consumer revenue streams.

在当今过饱和的流媒体领域脱颖而出并非易事, 当内容引领潮流时, strong platform technology is the foundation of a streaming destination built to outlast the competition. By pairing content offerings with competitive technologies and thoughtful business strategies, 媒体和娱乐品牌可以从先进的广告中获益, 互动功能, AI-powered 推荐引擎 and much more while creating seamless user interfaces, 稳健的数据驱动洞察, 灵活地适应不断变化的观众偏好.

[编者注:这是来自 努力流. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


This article by Lindsay Van Kirk of Operative spotlights recent developments in revenue management technology, and how cloud-native and modular approaches are enabling media brands to unify their existing systems and deliver faster ROI. Kirk offers practical insights and advice for media professionals navigating this dynamic landscape.

Netflix的下一步计划:通过广告重新构想流媒体 & 内容模型

Samba TV的Ashwin Navin讨论了Netflix的方式, 尽管最近出现了一些问题, has the legacy and the leverage to continue to reinvent the distribution model to find new ways to extend the value of its multi-billion dollar content investments.


The SaaS model helps address many headaches for content owners and service providers: launching and updating streaming services quickly, 打击流媒体盗版, 更高效、更低碳的视频传输, 以及利用新的盈利技术和盈利模式的能力.


Metadata quality is often the biggest challenge for any streaming service looking to increase content engagement with targeted recommendations. 机器学习能拯救我们吗? 
