OTT Leadership Summit

OTT is the future of television, and this summit is a deep dive into how broadcasters, cable & satellite operators, MVPDs, vMPVDs, 内容版权持有者可以释放OTT和TV Everywhere的价值. Because business and technology factors work hand-in-hand to create a successful OTT service, we’ll look at the entire OTT ecosystem to provide a thorough understanding of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. We’ll also unveil fresh OTT research to give you actionable data and help you thrive in this increasingly competitive market. 加入我们,参加2019东流媒体OTT领袖峰会!

Registration Includes

OTT Leadership Summit may be registered for separately OR is included when you register for an All Access or Streaming Media East Full 2-Day Conference Pass. 欲了解更多有关注册的信息,请 click here.

  • OTT Leadership Summit conference sessions on Tuesday, May 7 and Wednesday, May 8
  • Keynotes
  • Discovery Track
  • 包括休息在内的社交活动 & VIP Mixer on Monday Evening
  • 流媒体东博会包括周二网络欢乐时光

Sponsorship Opportunities

 提供赞助机会. 请尽快回来了解更多信息. 


Tuesday, May 7

Track OTT: OTT领导力峰会


OTT101. 2019年是直接面向消费者的视频服务年?

10:30 AM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

As Disney, WarnerMedia, Apple, and NBCUniversal prepare to launch direct-to-consumer (DTC) services—joining existing ventures like ESPN+, CBS All Access, 和DC宇宙——将现有的SVOD和直播线性服务,如Netflix, Hulu, 和亚马逊Prime会员的竞争? 或者,DTC的产品是否会在现有产品面前摇摇晃晃? This session examines the pros and cons of DTC services and evaluates the likelihood of success in the crowded OTT landscape.


, Principal Strategist, Dillon Media Ventures


, Solutions Engineer, Watson Media & IBM Cloud Video

, Senior Vice President内容编程和合作伙伴关系; XUMO

, Independent Consultant, MAD Perspectives

, 发展执行副总裁 & Programming, Eureka Productions

, TMT Consultant, DMG Consulting


OTT102. 如何建立一个可行的OTT服务

11:45 AM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

作为在线视频服务和, increasingly, 有线电视和广播运营商努力打造有竞争力的流媒体服务, 了解消费者的兴趣是关键:他们想看什么内容? What features are important? What devices do they use? 他们愿意付多少钱? 这些行为和优先级如何因消费者群体而异? 本节探讨了Altman Vilandrie的发现 & Co.的年度消费者视频调查, 包括消费者对特定节目的偏好, 对现场新闻和体育感兴趣, monetizing OTT, 以及其他对我们行业至关重要的领域. It includes a panel discussion featuring top executives from the TV industry.


, Partner, Altman Solon


, Principal Strategist, Dillon Media Ventures

, Senior Vice President, Product, XUMO

, Vice President of Product, Fandango


OTT103. 视频中的数据状态——走向自动化的未来

01:45 PM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

你想用你的数据做什么? For too long, 数据被定义为某种最终收集数据的手段, compute analytics, interpret, then react. 今天,我们提出一种新的思路:数据本身就是目的. Join our panel as we dive deep into the questions video distributors need to ask in order to build a real-time feedback loop to guide their distribution strategies: How does data latency influence its usefulness? 规范化的数据如何将脱节的数据集和系统统一起来? What are some examples of automated processes already employed by companies today, and what kind of data infrastructure will it take to develop more automated processes within the video technology stack going forward?


, CEO & Co-Founder, Datazoom 以及流媒体中的女性


, 产品总监,视频,移动和OTT, NBC News Digital

, 产品管理总监, Cloud TV, Kaltura

, 首席高级服务架构师, Limelight Networks


OTT104. britbox——一个小众服务是如何获得成功的

02:45 PM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

英国广播公司(BBC)与英国独立电视台(ITV)的合资企业BritBox吸引了美国的亲英人士.S. 加拿大则拥有丰富的英国电视节目. In this case study, BritBox分享了其成功的秘诀, 包括实现合适的盈利规模和有意义的覆盖范围, 建立强大的品牌形象和社区意识, careful curation, and using sophisticated discovery algorithms to keep viewers tuned in and prevent churn.


, President, BritBox


OTT105. OTT Spotlights

04:00 PM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Wednesday, May 8

Track OTT: OTT领导力峰会


OTT201. OTT Spotlights

10:30 AM2019-05-082019-05-08

Wednesday, May 8: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

了解最新的OTT平台和使能技术. Details announced soon!

10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

几乎从电视广播开始, the linear dynamic ad insertion (DAI) business model has remained fairly unchanged. 这种广告销售模式效率低下,运营成本高昂, 有很多手工步骤和犯错的空间. 快速转型的OTT广告插入模式是完全有针对性的, happens dynamically at the time of viewership and can be measured directly and accurately. So, why aren’t we seeing faster adoption of the new OTT dynamic ad insertion model in the video space, 为什么人们坚持线性广播模式?


, 产品管理和高级广告高级总监, sechange International, Inc.

Fireside Chat: Transforming Broadcast News for the Digital Age—Lessons Learned from an OTT Pioneer
11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Derek Gebler, 城镇新闻广播和视频副总裁, and Susan Bell, senior product manager, share lessons learned and best practices gained from years of real-world local news OTT experience. (Fun fact: Susan was part of the team that launched the very first independent local media app—WWSB—on Roku and Amazon.学习如何设计和交付高性能的OTT内容, 以一种用户易于浏览和消费的方式呈现它, 衡量你的渠道的表现, 并开发一种商业模式,从你的OTT渠道中获得真正的投资回报率.


, CMO, Norsk

, 广播和视频副总裁, TownNews

, Senior Product Manager, TownNews


OTT202. 服务器端广告插入状态

11:45 AM2019-05-082019-05-08

Wednesday, May 8: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Server-side ad insertion (SSAI) is a pivotal technology that unifies ad serving in broadcast and digital, 同时也提供了更强的定位能力. 这让OTT感觉更像电视, it combats ad blockers, and it allows engineering to create a standardized server-side architecture to replace the older, 用于每个端点的独特客户端体系结构. 存在许多挑战, 从测量用户激增到在所有设备上聚合报告. 这个小组从SSAI战壕里报告, discussing these issues as well as exactly what you need to know about using SSAI to successfully deliver personalized advertisement at scale.


, Consultant, Reality Software 以及流媒体特约编辑


, Media Solution Specialist, Eyevinn Technology, Sweden

, CTO, fuboTV

, CTO, GriOcean

, Head、数码产品及业务运作; Scripps Networks


OTT203. OTT转向微服务

01:45 PM2019-05-082019-05-08

Wednesday, May 8: 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Even companies that are not yet actively operating on a microservices architecture are looking for vendors who at least have a strategy to cater to it for the future. 本节将探讨其核心优势(包括冗余), dev ops, scalability, and self-healing), the different approaches (including containerization and orchestration via Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos, 以及原生微服务模型(如Erlang)。, and the complexities of migrating a generic architecture to a microservices architecture.


, 总监和创意先锋, id3as 和特约编辑,流媒体.com, UK


, Senior Software Engineer, Netflix

, 高级产品经理-目标交付解决方案, Imagine Communications

, Principal Sales Engineer, Bitmovin

, 首席高级服务架构师, Limelight Networks


OTT204. 释放OTT观众的价值

03:15 PM2019-05-082019-05-08

Wednesday, May 8: 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The growth of OTT has created opportunities for distributors and marketers seeking to extend their audience reach. What do we know about OTT audiences and the various ways consumers are connecting with the content across platforms and devices? In this session, Marissa McArdle, VP of Product Leadership at Nielsen will share data on OTT viewing patterns and discuss recent advancements in cross-platform ad measurement that has given brands new insights into connecting audiences beyond the screen.


, 副总裁,数字广告产品领导, Nielsen

Tracks & Special Events

Business and Strategy Track

Created for CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, and business development executives: This is your home at Streaming Media East. This forward-thinking track offers high-level strategic discussions where you can learn from the best where the online video economy is moving.

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Technical and How-to Track

专为想要解决方案的首席技术官、工程师和开发人员而创建. The video ecosystem is a fragmented mix of platforms and devices: Learn from the pros how you can eliminate the bottlenecks and deliver results.

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Discovery Track

Sessions in this track are educational and the presentations which typically focus on products and customer case-studies, provide a good opportunity to learn more about specific technologies or vendors. 开放给所有与会者和发现通行证持有人.

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Live Streaming Summit Logo

Live Streaming Summit focuses exclusively on the challenges and opportunities inherent in delivering large-scale live events and live linear channels to multiple screens. 会议将解决现场视频工作流程的每一步, including ingestion, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, and post-event evaluation.

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OTT Leadership Summit

OTT is the future of television, and this summit is a deep dive into how broadcasters, cable & satellite operators, MVPDs, vMPVDs, 内容版权持有者可以释放OTT和TV Everywhere的价值.

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Video Engineering Summit

如果你想深入了解HEVC, VP9, AV1, DASH, CMAF, WebRTC, video optimization, or perceptual quality, 你来对地方了. 我们的专家演讲者将帮助您将您的视频提升到一个新的水平.

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The Content Delivery Summit is a one-day conference that brings together carriers, telcos, ISPs, and premium content owners for a detailed look at the technology and platforms being used to deliver and accelerate web content.

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Streaming Media University features world class experts delivering content-rich training. This series of workshops at Streaming Media East 2019 offers attendees the opportunity to get deep-dive training on online video and streaming technologies and provides the sound theories and practicted techniques to beome a top performer in the online video field.

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